

Have you thought of an answer (or truth etc) to something and later once it was revealed you said to yourself, I KNEW IT! What happens if you can train yourself to acknowledge when that happens and have the confidence and confirmation to stick with that gut instinct and follow it through? 

Or how about times when you’re so full of anxiety and stressed out your mind stops thinking and incapable of calmly and logically working things through? But later in the shower all the solutions come to you.  

Why does living a happy life seam so farfetched? Is the worry and fear so built up it just won’t let you flow smoothly through life?

Does your inner voice keep talking and talking and talking and just won’t shut up? It gives you the right answer but also tells you a million wrong answers wondering which one to pick. What if there was a way to sift through all that and quiet him or her down all while knowing you’re on the right track?

Mindercise is simply about practicing (learning) how to master your intuition skills, leadership, changing your lens to look at/through the big picture, and cause and effect. That’s it!

The stuff you can’t see, only feel.

Daily motivation in concert with the Mindercise Program to help you build a custom decoding system so you understand what the heck you’re inner guide is trying to tell you. But if you were like me, you never paid any attention to it. Once you do though, it will change your life around. However incrementally, no matter what anyone tells you, there is no quick fix, it takes a while. Just think how long it took you to get into this mess; it might take you that long to get out.

Without getting into it too deep, you plainly have to exercise your mental mind just as you do with your physical body or anything else you don’t want to lose for that matter.

Mindercise is a very affordable way to stay sharp and help combat the many mental health issues our society faces today.  But more importantly, the Mindercise community helps teach you how to find solutions to your daily problems through mind fitness and understanding yourself.

The magic happens only after you’ve practiced for a couple years, or more. Change your way of thinking and the practical solutions will start showing themselves in abundance. Let’s do this together, so join and let’s get started now!


Greater Austin Texas USA


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