


Here at Mindercise, developing a custom belief system requires the adoption of responsibility and accountability for your actions and thoughts~! Because we're about existence and the creation of infinite ideas and infinite innovation, you choose to assign yourself personal responsibility and accountability for those actions and thoughts to free yourself from the oversight of others. 

This is crucial for the inspiration of free flowing of imagination. Creativity requires the minds silence of all external noises. Focusing only on the problem at hand. This is no easy task, it requires years of self-discovery and reflection on who you are and what your trying to accomplish. Some call it passion, I call it intuitive development. Because I believe passion can be created by giving it a personal touch and intent. It can grow on you but only with the right mindset. 

What stage of development are you at? Do you have the capacity to create a belief system with an open mind that can handle and comprehend high level awareness while maintaining your composure and integrity.  Or does fear and worry prevent you from becoming the individual that you could be. Being an individual in a high volume society is difficult, it requires tenacity and perseverance to shape ones own beliefs without the pressure of internal and external environments trying to persuade you back one way or another. 

So, are you up for the Mindercise Challenge, a 10% increase in your consciousness? Heart Leadership "Thinketh - Be'eth - Maketh"

"We can't have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves."

- Thomas Aquinas




Being a Mindercise All-Arounder will definitely help the average person in their daily lives by showing them how to build their confidence and self-trust by proving it to themselves that their intuition can calmly guide them through life’s challenges. You don’t have to be stressed and unhappy letting fear and anxiety navigate you through life, learn to face those challenges head-on. This was never and still is not taught in school but something every person alive should master. You’ll have wished you didn’t wait so long to become aware of this methodology. Imaging tactfully encountering problems and dynamically solving them using your own intuition when the time is just right. Now that’s using your MIND~! 


Note: There has been much debate which is better to be a specialist or generalist. For Mindology, you need learn to be a non-linear all-arounder so you may understand and see the big picture. Because we touch on so many disciplines and only take the cream of the crop wisdom in each subject it adds up very quickly. Therefore, you only have so much cognitive band-width and time-frame to absorb and process it all. Especially with so much information overload these days on such an enormous subject that is why I created an ALL THINGS MIND category to allow growth of this new hybrid. Think of a software developer that only knows one programming language, they will be out of a specialty in no time. Usually one must learn many types of source code to write and make a large software program run correctly, the same is true with our mind, we must learn many fields and subjects to understand how it functions and train it to perform correctly, without any bugs. Remember, your brain is the hardware and your mind is the software. Welcome to Mindercise and enjoy the adventure, but remember to be happy along the way because it is an infinite one.