





  1. Downloadable recorded webinars, videos, podcasts, audio books and e-books in the fields of stress reduction, complementary healing, personal development, self-awareness, and wellness via our MCU portal
  2. Biweekly Mind Exercise (daily after hard launch) "through practice" to develop your IMS (Intuition Mastering System) for better decision making
  3. Biweekly training (daily after hard launch) via real-time interactive live videos going over the course material to help you build a custom decoding system to uncover the life you want to be living, without the dysfunctions 
  4. Biweekly motivation (daily after hard launch) keeping you going, this is the most difficult part for people is trying to motivate themselves while not feeling alone 
  5. Biweekly live events (daily after hard launch): Such as Physical/Mental fitness combo classes held via real-time webinars. Such as Peloton, yoga, Pilates, resistance band, treadmill etc, different sessions for all age groups to become healthy and fit. TBA
  6. Monthly small group coaching and specialized passion training sessions to help weed out your life path while interacting with the member peer and cohort community for assistance via Slack and Hangout
  7. 24/7 Moodle course training guide LMS (learning management system). Start out at basic training course number one and work up to the 400 level. Learn to practice what resonates with your passion. No one system fits all because no one’s situation is the same. Only your superconscious knows and you have to become a detective to decipher that code to solve the mystery. Very few know from a young age and most never find out, don't go through life without finding out what your purpose here is 
  8. Awaken! Learn introspection and awareness about the world around you to increase your wisdom, realize your growth potential, and master your personal development skills
  9. Train your brain to learn how to use your mind. They are not the same thing they are different, the brain is the 3D physical hardware side and the mind is the 4D quantum software side, so they can work together more efficiently 
  10. Catering to all categories, disciplines, and specialty topics. You can create and submit your own course for review to add to the Mindercise program, for personal or business purposes. One-stop shopping for All Things Mind instead of searching all over the internet on a trial and error basis 
  11. Build your own social profile to engage and connect with other cohorts and peers for networking to help and encourage each other’s growth
  12. Membership buy-in entered into the loyalty points program to redeem rewards (Currently under development)




 What You Get: https://youtu.be/EaLGGpJ4Onk


"Member Powered"

Triple Loop Participation =

3 Features,

  1. You Invest - Subscription for the Services
  2. You Learn - Consciousness
  3. You Benefit - Rewards 

"What You Get"

3P's Membership Benefits =

1. Platform, 

  • - Collective intelligence environment
  • - On-demand educational content 
  • - Peer & business social networking
  • - Capture tacit to explicit knowledge
  • - Professional consultation available
  • - Crowdsource problem solving 
  • - Unlimited categories to create & share
  • - P2P, C2B, B2B etc.


2. Personal Development,

  • - Facilitation curriculum
  • - Proven process & methodology
  • - Real-time coaching
  • - Live motivational speaker
  • - Continuous Inspirational SMS's
  • - Personal consultation available
  • - 3 Approaches, 3 levels, 10 stages ea. 
  • - Real webinar stories

3. Partnership,

  • - Points-based rewards program
  • - Company buy-in loyalty options
  • - Member engagement shares
  • - Contribute to social responsibility
  • - Achievement badge participation system